Sunday, November 25, 2012

Blog #8 : Free Will and Determinism

                Humans in our society, have the idea indivulas are in charge of thier own lives and that weare in control of our actions. However there is the belief in determinism, or in other words everything that occurse in our lives have been predetermined by a higher power.This philosophy thoery of the two, has been expressed in te film "Minoriy Report" and also in te play "Oedipus the King". Which both texts protrayed these conflicting beliefs about who is really in control of our lives.
             By trying to change your fate, does that actually make your fate occur?. In "Oedipus the king" Determinism is portrayed where odeipus decision to chngehis fate actually made it come true. Due to his folish mistakes ad decisons, the audiece were given the belief that nothing could have changed his destiny of killing his father and marrying his own mother. Based on the play I believe it made the thoery of Hard determinism. "Free will and Determinim" by Micheal Huemer describes to the reader how determinists have no absoulte control over their fate.If we dont have free will, we are not responsible for our actions, and its among others hand (pg105, Huemer).This paly expresses this argument by showing that with oedipus leaving home trying to attempt to leave his fate, made his fate come to reality.
             Some people say that we have the power to makeour own descions, that humans have a choice.In te film "Minority Report", portrayed the belief of Soft determinism explainedby Huemer. Where free will and determinism balence each other out, that we need one to have the other. Indivuals actions were not explained by the causes  that occured befor us, tan our ow tions would be random occurnces (pg106, Huemer). Minority report's societys fate was based on oracles, however the oracles were proven wrong and so was society.The character John Anderton's fate was based onthe effect of others in his life. At the end of the film John had the choice to kill his sons murder or to arrest Crow, john made the choice to arrest crow. However Crow also made a choice to make and his choice was to die. This argument shows that every indivual has to choice in their life.
          Humans in our society, have the idea indivulas are in charge of thier own lives and that weare in control of our actions, which is Free will. However there is the belief in determinism, or in other words everything that occurse in our lives have been predetermined by a higher power.In both the Film "Minority Report" and the Play "Oedpius the king". Where Hard Determinism and Soft Determinism expalined by Micheal Huemers are portrayed. Hard determinism in oedipus, where no matter what you do your fate will occur. Soft determinism in Minortiy report, explain the fact that indivuals have a choice in thier life how they want it.