Stephanie Ramsaran
Eng. 101
Nov, 27 2012
Unethical Matters
Should our safety, make us forget the reason why the United States of America is the land of the free? Our federal government has taken our safety to extreme matters, putting it over our privacy and rights. By disrupting the laws that had been signed centuries ago, with events such as Airport profiling, and Stop and Frisk Tactics from police officers, portrayed in articles. Also privacy being invaded shown in movies, like “Minority Report”. The government should give us the protection they promised in an unethical matter.
Ever since the horrible effect of 9/11 terrorist attack our country has been running on fear. This fear I speak of has frequently taken over our airports. From having enhanced x-ray machines to the intense security checks. Based on the article “Racial Profiling Rife at Airport” (Citied #1) by the New York Times, portrays this event. In the state Boston, More than 30 federal officers in the Boston airport developed a program, which were intended to spot potential terrorists, however this operation has become a racial profiling event. By targeting not only Middle Easterners but other color minorities disrupting their rights, discriminating others by the color of their skin. As said by a police officer, “They just pull aside anyone who they don’t like the way they look -if they are black and have expensive clothes or jewelry, or if they are Hispanic”. Stating that officers usually are Judging people just because the way they look, happens to be suspicious to them. Also as said by an anonymous officer, “The behavior detection program is no longer a behavior- based program, but a racial profiling program”. Even an officers explains that this has become to a racial event, only searching those of colored. This operation is not helping our country have the protection we need, its causing more disruption between our government and our people.
Police Officers had sworn upon the laws of helping our country become safe, has become corrupted. As described in the newspaper article “Prosecutor Testifies on Stop-and-Frisk Tactics”(Citied #2) by the New York Times. Officers from the Bronx district were testified for wrongly stopping and arresting innocent individuals for trespassing. “Her staff of prosecutors began telling her that they had found instances in which the defendants lived in the very buildings where the arrest occurred”(Rucker). Which explains that officers arrested individuals for trespassing when they lived in the building for the first place, due to the officers just not liking their appearance. Our countries police officers have taken our safety by their judgment of others. Making it even impossible for individuals to feel safe in their own homes.
By having ethical matters being done for our protection, our free will has taken a toll. Free will is the ability us humans have to make our own decisions and expressing our self. Based on the article “Free will and Determinism”(Citied #3), written by Michael Huemer goes in deep detail that free will is important for a human to have. “Traditionally, having free will is the thought to require two things: alternate possibilities and self control.” (Pg104, Huemers). Explains the thought that with our government displacing ethical matters to make our country safe, they are slowly taking away the thought of free will we have grown upon. By limiting humans possibilities, such as checking in on citizens phone calls, internet searches and even library book checkouts. Violations to our privacy has taken a toll, and most citizens don’t realize this.
Disrupting the natural rights we hold dear, should not be allowed for any reasons. In the movie “Minority Report” (Citied #4), a system called Pre-crime is used to reduce crime by arresting humans before the crime has actually been committed. Using special individuals called “precogs”, who are able to predict a murder crime before it ever happens. This strong system had many flaws due to the fact, how can you arrest someone for a crime they never committed ?. The Pre-crime system, violated the privacy and natural rights to the human race, by not allowing others hold their own fate in their own hands. John Anderton, the head cop of the pre-crime , proved the system not trustworthy when he chose to change his own destiny by not killing a man he was predetermined to kill. By disrupting our rights and our choices, it’s human less to judge one another by something that never even happened.
In conclusion, our society should not find the protection of our country by using ethical matters. As humans we were told the United states of America, is the country of the free, However the government seems to take our safety before our own dignity. Taking away the natural laws we have grown upon, by racial profiling, wrong police stopping’s and taking away our free will. Even taking away individuals privacy in their lives, being watched for every step they take. This is an immortal step our government has taken and it needs to be stopped.
Work Citied Page :
Citied #1
: Schmidt, and, Lichtblau. "Racial Profiling Rife at Airport, U.S Officers Say." New York Times [Boston ] 11 8 2012, Early ed n. pag. Print.
Citied #2
:Goldstein. "Prosecutor Testifies on Stop-and-Frisk Tactics ." New York Times [Bronx] 15 10 2012, Early ed n. pag. Print.
Citied #3
: Huemer , Micheal . "Free Will and Determinism in The World of Minority Report ." Trans. Array Science Fiction and Philosophy . Susan Schneider . USA: Wiley-Blackwell , 2009. 103-112. Print.
Citied #4
: Minority Report, Dr.Steven Spielberg. Perf Tom Cruise. Amblin, 2002. Flim.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Blog #10 -Essay #3 Draft.
Stephanie Ramsaran
Eng. 101
Nov, 27 2012
Unethical Matters
Should our safety, make us forget the reason why the United States of America is the land of the free? Our federal government has taken our safety to extreme matters, putting it over our privacy and rights. By disrupting the laws that had been signed centuries ago, with events such as Airport profiling, and the Free will and Determism portrayed in articles. Also privacy being invaded shown in movies, like “Minority Report”. The government should give us the protection they promised in an unethical matter.
Ever since the horrible effect of 9/11 terrorist attack our country has been running on fear. This fear I speak of has frequently taken over our airports. From having enhanced x-ray machines to the intense security checks. Based on the article “Racial Profiling Rife at Airport” by the New York Times, portrays this event. In the state Boston, More than 30 federal officers in the Boston airport developed a program, which were intended to spot potential terrorists, however this operation has become a racial profiling event. By targeting not only Middle Easterners but other color minorities disrupting their rights, discriminating others by the color of their skin. As said by a police officer, “They just pull aside anyone who they don’t like the way they look -if they are black and have expensive clothes or jewelry, or if they are Hispanic”. Stating that officers usually are Judging people just because the way they look, happens to be suspicious to them. This operation is not helping our country have the protection we need, its causing more disruption between our government and our people.
By having ethical matters being done for our protection, our free will has taken a toll. Free will is the ability us humans have to make our own decisions and expressing our self. Based on the article “Free will and Determinism”, written by Michael Huemer goes in deep detail that free will is important for a human to have. “ Traditionally, having free will is the thought to require two things: alternate possibilities and self control.” (Pg104, Huemers). Explains the thought that with our government displacing ethical matters to make our country safe, they are slowly taking away the thought of free will we have grown upon. By limiting humans possibilities, such as checking in on citizens phone calls, internet searches and even library book checkouts. Violations to our privacy has taken a toll, and most citizens don’t realize this.
Disrupting the natural rights we hold dear, should not be allowed for any reasons. In the movie Minority Report a system called Pre-crime is used to reduce crime by arresting humans before the crime has actually been committed. Using special individuals called “precogs”, who are able to predict a murder crime before it ever happens. This strong system had many flaws due to the fact, how can you arrest someone for a crime they never committed ?. The Pre-crime system, violated the privacy and natural rights to the human race, by not allowing others hold their own fate in their own hands. John Anderton, the head cop of the pre-crime , proved the system not trustworthy when he chose to change his own destiny by not killing a man he was predetermined to kill. By disrupting our rights and our choices, it’s human less to judge one another by something that never even happened.
In conclusion, our society should not find the protection of our country by using ethical matters. As humans we were told the United states of America, is the country of the free, However the government seems to take our safety before our own dignity. Taking away the natural laws we have grown upon, by racial profiling and taking away our free will. It is an immortal step our government has taken and it needs to be stopped.
Eng. 101
Nov, 27 2012
Unethical Matters
Should our safety, make us forget the reason why the United States of America is the land of the free? Our federal government has taken our safety to extreme matters, putting it over our privacy and rights. By disrupting the laws that had been signed centuries ago, with events such as Airport profiling, and the Free will and Determism portrayed in articles. Also privacy being invaded shown in movies, like “Minority Report”. The government should give us the protection they promised in an unethical matter.
Ever since the horrible effect of 9/11 terrorist attack our country has been running on fear. This fear I speak of has frequently taken over our airports. From having enhanced x-ray machines to the intense security checks. Based on the article “Racial Profiling Rife at Airport” by the New York Times, portrays this event. In the state Boston, More than 30 federal officers in the Boston airport developed a program, which were intended to spot potential terrorists, however this operation has become a racial profiling event. By targeting not only Middle Easterners but other color minorities disrupting their rights, discriminating others by the color of their skin. As said by a police officer, “They just pull aside anyone who they don’t like the way they look -if they are black and have expensive clothes or jewelry, or if they are Hispanic”. Stating that officers usually are Judging people just because the way they look, happens to be suspicious to them. This operation is not helping our country have the protection we need, its causing more disruption between our government and our people.
By having ethical matters being done for our protection, our free will has taken a toll. Free will is the ability us humans have to make our own decisions and expressing our self. Based on the article “Free will and Determinism”, written by Michael Huemer goes in deep detail that free will is important for a human to have. “ Traditionally, having free will is the thought to require two things: alternate possibilities and self control.” (Pg104, Huemers). Explains the thought that with our government displacing ethical matters to make our country safe, they are slowly taking away the thought of free will we have grown upon. By limiting humans possibilities, such as checking in on citizens phone calls, internet searches and even library book checkouts. Violations to our privacy has taken a toll, and most citizens don’t realize this.
Disrupting the natural rights we hold dear, should not be allowed for any reasons. In the movie Minority Report a system called Pre-crime is used to reduce crime by arresting humans before the crime has actually been committed. Using special individuals called “precogs”, who are able to predict a murder crime before it ever happens. This strong system had many flaws due to the fact, how can you arrest someone for a crime they never committed ?. The Pre-crime system, violated the privacy and natural rights to the human race, by not allowing others hold their own fate in their own hands. John Anderton, the head cop of the pre-crime , proved the system not trustworthy when he chose to change his own destiny by not killing a man he was predetermined to kill. By disrupting our rights and our choices, it’s human less to judge one another by something that never even happened.
In conclusion, our society should not find the protection of our country by using ethical matters. As humans we were told the United states of America, is the country of the free, However the government seems to take our safety before our own dignity. Taking away the natural laws we have grown upon, by racial profiling and taking away our free will. It is an immortal step our government has taken and it needs to be stopped.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Blog #8 : Free Will and Determinism
Humans in our society, have the idea indivulas are in charge of thier own lives and that weare in control of our actions. However there is the belief in determinism, or in other words everything that occurse in our lives have been predetermined by a higher power.This philosophy thoery of the two, has been expressed in te film "Minoriy Report" and also in te play "Oedipus the King". Which both texts protrayed these conflicting beliefs about who is really in control of our lives.
By trying to change your fate, does that actually make your fate occur?. In "Oedipus the king" Determinism is portrayed where odeipus decision to chngehis fate actually made it come true. Due to his folish mistakes ad decisons, the audiece were given the belief that nothing could have changed his destiny of killing his father and marrying his own mother. Based on the play I believe it made the thoery of Hard determinism. "Free will and Determinim" by Micheal Huemer describes to the reader how determinists have no absoulte control over their fate.If we dont have free will, we are not responsible for our actions, and its among others hand (pg105, Huemer).This paly expresses this argument by showing that with oedipus leaving home trying to attempt to leave his fate, made his fate come to reality.
Some people say that we have the power to makeour own descions, that humans have a choice.In te film "Minority Report", portrayed the belief of Soft determinism explainedby Huemer. Where free will and determinism balence each other out, that we need one to have the other. Indivuals actions were not explained by the causes that occured befor us, tan our ow tions would be random occurnces (pg106, Huemer). Minority report's societys fate was based on oracles, however the oracles were proven wrong and so was society.The character John Anderton's fate was based onthe effect of others in his life. At the end of the film John had the choice to kill his sons murder or to arrest Crow, john made the choice to arrest crow. However Crow also made a choice to make and his choice was to die. This argument shows that every indivual has to choice in their life.
Humans in our society, have the idea indivulas are in charge of thier own lives and that weare in control of our actions, which is Free will. However there is the belief in determinism, or in other words everything that occurse in our lives have been predetermined by a higher power.In both the Film "Minority Report" and the Play "Oedpius the king". Where Hard Determinism and Soft Determinism expalined by Micheal Huemers are portrayed. Hard determinism in oedipus, where no matter what you do your fate will occur. Soft determinism in Minortiy report, explain the fact that indivuals have a choice in thier life how they want it.
By trying to change your fate, does that actually make your fate occur?. In "Oedipus the king" Determinism is portrayed where odeipus decision to chngehis fate actually made it come true. Due to his folish mistakes ad decisons, the audiece were given the belief that nothing could have changed his destiny of killing his father and marrying his own mother. Based on the play I believe it made the thoery of Hard determinism. "Free will and Determinim" by Micheal Huemer describes to the reader how determinists have no absoulte control over their fate.If we dont have free will, we are not responsible for our actions, and its among others hand (pg105, Huemer).This paly expresses this argument by showing that with oedipus leaving home trying to attempt to leave his fate, made his fate come to reality.
Some people say that we have the power to makeour own descions, that humans have a choice.In te film "Minority Report", portrayed the belief of Soft determinism explainedby Huemer. Where free will and determinism balence each other out, that we need one to have the other. Indivuals actions were not explained by the causes that occured befor us, tan our ow tions would be random occurnces (pg106, Huemer). Minority report's societys fate was based on oracles, however the oracles were proven wrong and so was society.The character John Anderton's fate was based onthe effect of others in his life. At the end of the film John had the choice to kill his sons murder or to arrest Crow, john made the choice to arrest crow. However Crow also made a choice to make and his choice was to die. This argument shows that every indivual has to choice in their life.
Humans in our society, have the idea indivulas are in charge of thier own lives and that weare in control of our actions, which is Free will. However there is the belief in determinism, or in other words everything that occurse in our lives have been predetermined by a higher power.In both the Film "Minority Report" and the Play "Oedpius the king". Where Hard Determinism and Soft Determinism expalined by Micheal Huemers are portrayed. Hard determinism in oedipus, where no matter what you do your fate will occur. Soft determinism in Minortiy report, explain the fact that indivuals have a choice in thier life how they want it.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Blog #7 - illusions of life.
Our society throughout many centuries have lived a life through Illusions, or in other words where we, as in humans believe that we were never wrong and what society believes means society is always right. In the passage "The Allegory of the cave" have explained the concept of humans believing society is right and who ever thinks otherwise is complete out of their mind. There are many examples in our past times that shows that we are wrong at times, such as the illusion that "men" are the superior of the earth.
It happens to be that every sperm and or egg combo inside a women's uterus always starts off a female showed by studies. only when the embryo consists of enough testosterone does it mutate into a male. However our race believes that man should over power women in every way possible. Even though in the 21 century today women have rights to vote, can be CEO's of companies and also can run to be President. Our society still has that mind set that men are more powerful and designed to be leader.
In today's world there are some states that still carry that belief of mistreating women. Some countries such as India for an example.India still from this day believe that man has full authority to control women by how they dress, act,say, and sometimes even do. Most of this comes from religion such as Hinduism, where Indians believe the women must be married to a man to have a good life, and consist of his doings as if she was his slave. In India women have restricted rights where they must be a house wife, while the man act as if they were a "king" and can have multiple partners and children from different women.
Another Theory that Americans still mention is the popular "Men are better drivers than Women" . The fact that they're not as many women race car drivers as there are men shows the population that there is discrimination of woman race car drivers. Men believe that women are to emotional and fear happens to take over them while behind the wheel. To be an excellent driver you must not have one bone in your body that consists of fear. Women are capable to drive just as great as a man could drive a car, however our society still having the thought that men are superior has corrupted our minds humans don't try to find out why they just follow what the society tell them.
When we consider that men are women are completely different, there isn't really a fundamental difference between a male and a female. Yes in bodies we are different, however in concept of our minds operating these bodies and exactly the same.
It happens to be that every sperm and or egg combo inside a women's uterus always starts off a female showed by studies. only when the embryo consists of enough testosterone does it mutate into a male. However our race believes that man should over power women in every way possible. Even though in the 21 century today women have rights to vote, can be CEO's of companies and also can run to be President. Our society still has that mind set that men are more powerful and designed to be leader.
In today's world there are some states that still carry that belief of mistreating women. Some countries such as India for an example.India still from this day believe that man has full authority to control women by how they dress, act,say, and sometimes even do. Most of this comes from religion such as Hinduism, where Indians believe the women must be married to a man to have a good life, and consist of his doings as if she was his slave. In India women have restricted rights where they must be a house wife, while the man act as if they were a "king" and can have multiple partners and children from different women.
Another Theory that Americans still mention is the popular "Men are better drivers than Women" . The fact that they're not as many women race car drivers as there are men shows the population that there is discrimination of woman race car drivers. Men believe that women are to emotional and fear happens to take over them while behind the wheel. To be an excellent driver you must not have one bone in your body that consists of fear. Women are capable to drive just as great as a man could drive a car, however our society still having the thought that men are superior has corrupted our minds humans don't try to find out why they just follow what the society tell them.
When we consider that men are women are completely different, there isn't really a fundamental difference between a male and a female. Yes in bodies we are different, however in concept of our minds operating these bodies and exactly the same.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Blog #6- Oedipus
Oedipus, the king of Thebes had the freewill to change his cursed life that was ahead of him. The day when the oracle told Oedipus his fate of him murdering his own father, King Luis and marry the woman that gave birth to him, his mother Queen Teriesas. Oedipus had many different ways to approach his destiny, by either not killing anyone or suppose not even to get married to anyone older than himself just for power. But however with Oedipus being stuck up with power and therefor ignorant. Having the attitude that he is better than anyone who existed at the time, Oedipus's freewill was enabled. Fate is held by your own hands not anyone else you make your own destiny. Oedipus made his own decision that happened to led him towards his true cursed fate.
Blog #5 - Final
Stephanie Ramsaran
English 101-0768
Essay 1-Final Draft
Society where Dystopia is reviled.
Humanity believes that being born as a perfect individual will make you one step closer to be the “better human”. In 1997 Andrew Niccol director and writer of the film “Gattaca”, describes a world where humans are scientifically enhanced in age. Where individuals believe the genetically engineered world, which diseases and imperfection no longer exist. Genetically enhanced societies compared to the past centuries to the naked eye portray a Utopia, however if you look in between the lines you’ll find a Dystopian Society.
Humans live their lives finding themselves, becoming unique. Its humanness to learn and have devotion into something by practicing to be the best, the special one. As said by George j Annas “ can we change our humanness without undermining our dignity and our rights?” Meaning if we genetically engineer ourselves can we still call our selves human? Or are we going to loose what makes us human. The “better human” which every individuals wants to become, having the life of being everything you wish you could be or your parents want you to be.
The going rate of the quality of human life, gave the society Gattaca an appearance of utopia. A Utopian world where people were genetically engineered, being invented to be absolutely perfect; having the best genes from both parents. Where the words disease, and illness doesn’t exist. Children born in this society that are enhanced were called “valid”. The Valid were the new generation of humans, developed to live long life’s, be intelligent, to help the society grow more in the age of science. Past Centuries believing that our society could enhance this much, would see in their eyes a Utopian society. Due to the fact those centuries ago, and even in the 21 century we deal with death rate increasing, disorders, and new diseases are being found. Also even environmental problems, having global warming Mother Nature disasters. The society in many eyes portrays a Utopian image, however most don’t seem to look deep enough of what’s really going on. Where there are valid, there are In-Vaild’s. A small population where children were born attack society, where they were called the “god” child. Not being genetically engineered, having to be criticized by their blood. The Enhanced humans got to be in the high level of society, helping our world begin the new age. In Gattaca we are able to frequently travel in space finding new worlds, exploring space and learning what is beyond the stars. Being a society where knowable is in our reach. Even though the world in gattaca helps the thought of removing major problems of our world, it doesn’t focus on how us, as the humans we are in todays age are born with unique strands of DNA that aren't tampered with to loose what makes us one of a kind.
Looking in between the lines of the society of gattaca, you see the world of Dystopia strive In valid populations were discrimination is being judged by their blood and genes. The New ages stereotype meant being an in-valid relinquished the opportunity to become something better, the majority of invalids only had the job opportunity to become nothing more than a janitor. No matter how much an in-valid tried, they were always looked at as the lower society. Such as the main character of the film Vincent, who had the percentage of 99% of dying by the age of 30 from a heart condition? Even though Vincent had the devotion in working for Gattaca, he was always looked at by his genes and not by the person he is. Further on in Vincent’s life he had a younger brother named Anton who happened to be born as Valid. Vincent always had the feeling that Anton was better and everyone treated him like he was. With practice and devotion Vincent believed in himself that he could be as good as his brother. One day, Vincent challenged Anton to a swim race or what they called it “chicken”, and what happened was a miracle. Vincent beat Anton for the first time, after that day Vincent knew anything was possible. Anton asked how Vincent managed to win the last two races. Vincent told him that the only reason why he managed to win was because he “never saved anything for the swim-back.”
Gattca was portrayed as a utopian society, when being compared from past centuries. However looking more into the society gattaca is not a utopia due to the fact that it doesn’t reach the limits to become one. Based by George j Anna’s quote about the “better human”, tell us genetically engineering makes us less human and just more experiments. Even though the Gattaca society was an idea of a utopia, however for the human race, Gattaca was a dystopia, where humans are being discriminated by their genes and not by the person that’s within.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Blog #4- Final draft.
Stephanie Ramsaran
English 101-0768
Essay 1-Final Draft
Society where Dystopia is
Humanity believes that being
born great will make you one step closer to be the “better human”. In 1997
Andrew Niccol director and writer of the film “Gattaca”, describes a world
where humans are scientifically enhanced in age. Where individuals believe the
genetically engineered world, which diseases and imperfection no longer exist.
Genetically enhanced societies compared to the past centuries to the naked eye
portray a Utopia, however if you look in between the lines you’ll find a
Dystopian Society.
Humans live their lives finding themselves, becoming
unique. Its humanness to learn and have devotion into something by practicing
to be the best, the special one. As said by George j Annas “ can we change our
humanness without undermining our dignity and our rights?” Meaning if we
genetically engineer ourselves can we still call our selves human? Or are we
going to loose what makes us human. The “better human” which every individuals
wants to become, having the life of being everything you wish you could be or
your parents want you to be.
going rate of the quality of human life, gave the society Gattaca an appearance
of utopia. A Utopian world where people were genetically engineered, being
invented to be absolutely perfect; having the best genes from both parents.
Where the words disease, and illness doesn’t exist. Children born in this
society that are enhanced were called “valid”. The Valid were the new
generation of humans, developed to live long life’s, be intelligent, to help
the society grow more in the age of science.
Centuries believing that our society could enhance this much, would see in
their eyes a Utopian society. Due to the fact those centuries ago, and even in
the 21 century we deal with death rate increasing, disorders, and new diseases
are being found. Also even environmental problems, having global warming Mother
Nature disasters. The society in many eyes portrays a Utopian image, however
most don’t seem to look deep enough of what’s really going on. Where there are valid,
there are In-Vaild’s. A small population where children were born in attack
society, where they were called the “god” child. Not being genetically engineered,
having to be criticized by their blood. The Enhanced humans got to be in the
high level of society, helping our world begin the new are. In Gattaca we are
able to frequently travel in space finding new worlds, exploring space and
learning what is beyond the stars. Being a society where knowable is in our
reach. Even though gattaca help with major problems of our world, but doesn’t
focus on how us, in human race.
in between the lines of the society of gattaca, you see the world dystopia
strive. In valid populations were discriminated, being judged by their blood
and genes. Being an in valid didn’t give you the opportunity to become
something better, the majority of invalids only had the job opportunity to
become a janitor. No matter how much an in valid tried, they were always looked
as the lower society. Such as the
main character of the film Vincent, who had the percentage of 99% of dying by
the age of 30 from a heart condition? Even though Vincent had the devotion in
working for Gattaca, he was always looked at by his genes and not by the person
he is.
Further on in Vincent’s life he had a
younger brother named Anton who happened to be born as Valid. Vincent always
had the feeling that Anton was better and everyone treated him like he was. With
practice and devotion Vincent believed in himself that he could be as good as
his brother. One day, Vincent challenged Anton to a swim race or what they
called it “chicken”, and what happened was a miracle. Vincent beat Anton for
the first time, after that day Vincent knew anything was possible. Anton asked how Vincent managed to win the
last two races. Vincent told him that the only reason why he managed to win was
because he “never saved anything for the swim-back.”
was portrayed as a utopian society, when being compared from past centuries.
However looking more into the society gattaca is not a utopia due to the fact
that it doesn’t reach the limits to become one. Based by George j Anna’s quote about
the “better human”, tell us genetically engineering makes us less human and
just more experiments. Even though the Gattaca society was an idea of a utopia,
however for the human race, Gattaca was a dystopia, where humans are being
discriminated by their genes and not by the person that’s within.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Blog #3
A World Where Dystopia Exist.
Draft one:
Dystopia, is an idea of a world where nothing but horror lives. A place where hope dies and fear increases. In the movie "Gattaca", starring Ethan Hawking and Uma Thurman, is a place in the future where anybody can be genetically engineered. Meaning there is a possibility that they can have no diseases, the better genes from the parents, and they can be great at everything. However this movie portrays the fact that science can't always be perfect, that there is no such thing as the "perfect human".
Humans live their life by trying to make themselves better than what they happen to be at the moment. Its humanness to learn and make effort into something by practicing to be the better one. As said by George J.Annas, "If genetic engineering techniques work, are there human qualites we should try to temper and others we should try to enhance?". Meaning Even though you can be Genetically Engineered, doesn't mean you can be the best at something without dedication and practice its what makes us "human". In the movie the character Gnemore, was genetically engineered as a baby, he was suppose to be what people think now as the golden child. Someone who was smart, great health and happened to a wonderful swimmer, however he always ended up being second best no matter what. That's because someone always striving for more.
Vincent was born a "god" child meaning that his parents didn't want him to be engineered, but by doing so, Vincent was at risk 99% of dying by the age of 30. For they're younger son Antone, he was genetic engineered to be the human people strive to be.Vincent realized that their was a big difference between the two from the look his parents gave them. As you usual Vincent and Antone had a game where they tried to see who swimmed all the way to the end, where mostly Antone always won but one day everything changed. From Vincent working hard and being determined he beat his younger brother at the race, making everything possible. It puts Gattaca's utopian image to shame.
Question : Did i state a thesis, or do i have a good thesis to begin my essay ?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Blog #2
Utopia and Dystopia
Blog #2
"Utopia" in other words by "Google" is, "An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect". There is many different ways to understand this word. One way I can picture it, is a world where there was no wrong, no tears falling down innocent faces. an imaginary society where the word "war" doesn't even exist. Some examples can only be fictional, but for example how other countries see the "Untied Sates of America". They see it as a place for freedom and happiness for them to escape to. Another example would have to be the fictional world "Atlantis", where an undersea society was lost but was supposedly the most beautiful and wonderful society by myth. The word "Utopia" was first used by Sir Thomas More (1516), He explained it as a "Fictional Island int the Atlantic Ocean".
However there is a word that exist that is the opposite, "Dystopia" by the defintion from 'Google" it means "An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one". "Dystopia" for my understanding is a world where only cruel and crime tends to happen, the world lacks hope and faith, you could see it in the citizens who live there if you could. For example, How countries such as india are. Where death and rape increase everyday, how the people living there are terrified every day dying from starvation and dehydration. There are many places in this cruel world where you can compare to a "Dystopia".
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Blog #1 -Autobiographical
Hello, Ladies and Gentleman.
My name is Stephanie Angelique Ramsaran, and
I'm here to let you know a little about myself. As you can tell by my last name
I have a unique background, I happen to be Guyanese. If many of you don't know
where that is, it is located in South America, right under Brazil. My Mother
had came to America around the age thirteen; she lived in New York until she
was about twenty, and then happened to move to Florida. As where my mother had me and my older sister Samantha, My sister and I are only about a year apart,
you can wonder how my mother took care of both of us as a single mom, you can
say she’s pretty strong. As I’ve grown I’ve realized to appreciate the little
things and, therefore be happy with what you receive. I'm pretty much dedicated
in what I do and or my goals I’ve grown with little and I strive for more. I
guess you can say I'm outgoing at times, I can kind of seem like I don't give a
damn about the world and or you but that's pretty much a lie I don't know why
but I'm kind of nice. I’m that down-to-earth kind of gal, I don't judge and I take
everything ever easy. When you get to know me all you need to know is that I
laugh at anything, it can be from you saying a corny joke or being in a bad
situation, I always find a way to laugh. If you don't believe that girls can
like video games, comics, basically you know geeky stuff, then start believing
I'm one of those girls. As I’ve grown I had produced the habit in wanting to major
in vetinary, I adore animals ever since I was a little girl. I am truly dedicated
to help animals by either becoming a vet or working in marine biology. Ive had about three dogs since i was little and i would pretend to play doctor, trying to help them, it is my dream to help out animals. Well that's pretty much it, that's all you have to know
Have a good day.
- Stephanie.
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